All didgeridoo stands are now made to order so please msg me with your didgeridoo details for a custom built stand to suit your didge perfectly :)
please note** the floor stands can cost quite a bit to ship internationally. if shipping in australia please msg me for quote but generally its 20 to 30aud aus wide postage for floor stands.
international shipping can cost 80 to 120aud for floor stands so please factor this into your decision to purchase :) wall mounted stands are smaller and cheaper to post international.
The floor mount didgeridoo stands are the easiest way to showcase your didgeridoo in your home. They are hand crafted personally by Tristan O'Meara from sustainably sourced Camphor luarel timber or Australian native Acacia blackwood from the home of O'Meara didgeridoos on his Byron bay hinterland property. There are two sizes available, medium and large. custom stands can be made for multiple didges.
These stands go great anywhere in your home and hold most large to medium didgeridoos. Fitted with protective rubber feet for protection against scratching on polished floors.
floor space size of average stand is approx 35cm x 35cm large and custom stand sizes vary and mostly are between 40 to 45cm square.
Multiple didgeridoo holding stands, custom stands, and extra large sizes can be made upon request. Please contact me ***HERE*** to ask for more details and prices
PLEASE NOTE*** stands in pictures are generic photos and is not the actual stands in stock however all look very similar with slightly differant timber grain patterns. please ask me for photos of actual stand if you would like to see.
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